Photos and Review by Angela Leung
October 19, 2022
Terminal 5
New York, NY
After their hiatus, South Korean band The Rose made their highly anticipated return with their Heal Together world tour. Earlier this year, All Or Nothing Magazine had the pleasure of attending front-man Woosung’s Moth Showcase tour in which he stated that he will back with the full band next time and that day has finally arrived! On October 19th, an endless line of fans could be seen waiting outside the entrance of Terminal 5 as they eagerly welcomed the band to the city that never sleeps.
Like with a lot of kpop artists, lightsticks were sold specially for this tour and due to the high demand, are currently sold out. As members Woosung, Dojoon, Jaehyeong and Hajoon entered the stage, the crowd of Black Roses (their fandom name) started frantically waving their glowing lightsticks as the cheers reverberated throughout the venue. This tour was in support of their first full length album Heal so we mainly got to hear songs from it such as “Childhood”, “Sour”, “Definition of ugly is” along with hand-picked ones from their previous EPs such as their notable debut track “Sorry”. From one song to the next, the band gave it all they got as the audience passionately sang along. Amongst most of the slow-tempo songs, the upbeat track “Red” was one that you couldn’t help but dance along to. The venue was lit with red lights for that occasion and Woosung joked that they should write a song for every color (we wouldn’t be opposed to that!). A memorable moment was when the band played “Beauty and the Beast’, a beautifully written ballad that has been a fan favorite.
As they reached the encore, The Rose bid their final adieu with “Black Rose”, a song dedicated to their loving fanbase. The members threw roses into the crowd as a farewell gift before they promised that they will be back next year. If you haven’t checked out this band yet it is recommended that you do as they will not disappoint. We will look forward to their next tour!